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How can you prevent uterine cancer? Keeping a healthy weight and being physically active may lower your chance of getting uterine cancer. Using birth control pills. Maintaining a healthy weight and being physically active. Taking progesterone, if you are taking estrogen.
What does Stage 3 endometrial cancer mean? Stage III uterine cancer extends outside the uterus, but remains confined to the pelvis. Stage IIIA cancers invade the lining of the pelvis or fallopian tubes or cancer cells can be found free in the pelvis. Stage IIIB cancer invades the vagina. Stage IIIC cancers invade the pelvic and/or para-aortic lymph nodes.
Is endometrial cancer hereditary? Uterine cancer may run in families where colon cancer is hereditary. As explained in the Introduction, women in families with Lynch syndrome, also called hereditary non-polyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC), have a higher risk for uterine cancer. About 2% to 5% of women with endometrial cancer have Lynch syndrome.
What is the difference between uterine cancer and endometrial cancer? Endometrial and uterine cancer are the same disease. But uterine sarcoma is an entirely different entity that has very different symptoms and treatments from uterine cancer. When cancer forms in the lining of the uterus, it is referred to as endometrial cancer. Uterine sarcoma, meanwhile, forms in the uterine muscle.
Can you live 20 years with CLL? Someone may live significantly longer than 5 years after a diagnosis of CLL. The current survival rate for CLL is 83 percent. This means that about 83 out of every 100 people with CLL will be alive 5 years after diagnosis.
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