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Can you stop taking thyroid medicine cold turkey? Discontinuing any prescribed medication on your own is never a good idea- unless you are having significant side effects, and will be speaking to your physician shortly. In the case of Synthroid, discontinuing the medication results in a worsening of hypothyroid symptoms such as those that you listed.
Can Thyroid be cured permanently by Yoga? Yoga asanas are considered to be an effective natural remedy for dealing with thyroid disorders. While it may not be able to cure the condition instantly, it can help in keeping the glands healthy and regulate metabolism, thereby preventing any further complications.
Can an overdose of thyroxine kill you? Slightly overdosing a patient with thyroid hormones can effect in heart palpitations, nervousness, and tremors. A massive overdosage of thyroid hormones can result in seizures, arrhythmia, convulsions, heart failure, coma, and even death.
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