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Is Aranesp a chemotherapy? Aranesp is used to treat anaemia in cancer patients who are receiving chemotherapy. Anaemia is when your blood does not contain enough red blood cells. Aranesp will help your bone marrow to produce more red blood cells, like your natural erythropoietin.
What is Procrit and how does it work? PROCRIT works like EPO — it causes your bone marrow to make more red blood cells. This, in turn, raises your level of hemoglobin, a protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen to all parts of the body. Increasing your hemoglobin level may lessen the need for a blood transfusion.
What is Epogen used for? Epogen (epoetin alfa) is a man-made form of a protein that helps your body produce red blood cells used to treat anemia (a lack of red blood cells in the body).
Why do some medications need to be taken with food? To reduce side effects of stomach irritation, including indigestion, stomach inflammation or ulcers. Some medicines can irritate the stomach, and taking them with food will reduce this effect. Things such as biscuits or a sandwich, or a glass of milk, are usually enough.
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Woods said his balky back had improved greatly since mid-February, when he played his last tournament, and called the difference night and day. The Gilgamesh Dream Tablet was displayed at the Museum of the Bible in Washington until the authorities neorecormon seized it in 2019. The regulation of big technology companies such as Facebook Inc and Alphabet Inc's Google has been a hot button issue ahead of the U.S. presidential election on Nov. 3. Cora, already fired by the team, was punished for his role in the Houston Astros case. Separately, a Red Sox replay operator also was punished and Boston will lose a second-round draft pick for stealing signs. As dining rooms slowly reopen, owners are scrambling to reduce risks and reassure customers with an array of gear. Face coverings lead the way. Seth Blair, a longtime pitching prospect, set up a practice area in his Arizona backyard and opened it to other players who did not have access to baseball facilities during the games shutdown. As many as 15 of them show up in staggered groups on a given day. On Mondays, we publish a Times photo without a caption, headline or other information about its origins. Join the conversation about what you see and why via a live, moderated discussion from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern.
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