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How can I treat HPV at home? Apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar may treat genital warts at home. It's similar to prescription medications that use acidic ingredients to kill off the virus. You can soak a Q-tip, cotton ball, or gauze in apple cider vinegar and apply it to the warts.
Is a nurse practitioner as good as a doctor? While a doctor may refer a patient for specialized care, such as to a neurologist, the physician has a well-rounded education that overlaps with all specialties. An NP is a nurse practitioner. Whereas the RN cannot prescribe medications, the nurse practitioner is licensed to do so, as well as diagnose conditions.
Do Dermatologists remove warts on feet? Dermatologists share tips to treat common warts. Although warts can grow anywhere on the skin, they are most common on people's hands and feet. According to dermatologists, most warts are grey, brown, or skin-colored rough bumps that may have little black dots on them.
Do you call a nurse practitioner doctor? So, the short answer is yes - a DNP nurse may be referred to as " doctor," however, some states have legislation surrounding this. For example, a nurse practitioner with a DNP must inform patients that he or she is a doctoral-prepared nurse practitioner.
Can a primary care doctor prescribe anti anxiety medication? Primary care doctors also are not trained to practice psychotherapy. So you may turn to a psychologist, social worker, or psychiatrist for therapy. Psychiatrists are doctors who can prescribe antidepressants and other medications and sometimes also offer therapy. They are, though, often more expensive than non-MDs.
Can fluorouracil cause cancer? You have fluorouracil into your bloodstream. Fluorouracil is also available as an ointment called Efudix for skin cancer. When used as an ointment it does not cause the usual side effects but it can cause temporary irritation and inflammation in the treated areas of skin.
How many times a week do you have chemotherapy? Most cycles range from 2 to 6 weeks. The number of treatment doses scheduled within each cycle also varies depending on the drugs being given. For example, each cycle may contain only 1 treatment on the first day. Or, a cycle may contain more than 1 dose given weekly or daily.
What chemotherapy feels like? Chemotherapy can make you feel sick (nauseated) or cause you to vomit. Not everyone feels sick during or after chemotherapy, but if nausea affects you, it will usually start a few hours after treatment. Nausea may last for many hours and be accompanied by vomiting or retching.
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