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How often should you take Sumatriptan? Typical starting dosage: One tablet (25 mg, 50 mg, or 100 mg) taken when migraine symptoms appear. Dosage increases: If you don't get enough relief within 2 hours of the first dose, you can take a second dose at least 2 hours after the first dose. Maximum dosage: Do not take more than 200 mg within a 24-hour period.
How long does it take for Aimovig to start working? Typically, patients in the first two months will notice even a partial response, and that response will grow over time. If after three injections there's zero response, then it's not likely to work.
How can I avoid migraines when fasting? Eating a meal with low sugar content before the fast may prevent the onset of a headache during the day. Contact The Headache Clinic for a list of foods which have a low glycemic index. Dehydration is another common trigger, adequate intake of fluid before the onset of the fast can often prevent headaches.
When should you go to the emergency room? Call 911 or go to an emergency room immediately when someone experiences any of the following: wheezing, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing. chest pain. displaced or open wound fractures. fainting or dizziness. sudden numbness or weakness. bleeding that cannot be stopped.
What should you eat if you have a migraine? What foods are good for migraines? orange, yellow, and green vegetables, such as summer squash, sweet potatoes, carrots, and spinach. carbonated, spring, or tap water. rice, especially brown rice. dried or cooked fruits, particularly non-citrus kinds such as cherries and cranberries.
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