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What does a PSA level of 0.2 mean? If the result is greater than or equal to 0.2 ng/mL and it's risen on two separate tests taken at least two weeks apart, it's called a biochemical relapse. You still have PSA in your bloodstream. There's a chance that cancer has recurred. A PSA level higher than that may indicate a locally advanced tumor.
Does hormone therapy stop prostate cancer from spreading? The goal of hormone therapy is to stop or slow the growth of the prostate cancer cells in your body. Hormone therapy can shrink prostate cancer tumors and may stop or limit the spread of your prostate cancer. Hormone therapy is used to control your prostate cancer.
How long does Lupron take to wear off? When do the effects of Leuprolide acetate go away? The effects of Leuprolide acetate will decrease after you stop taking the medicine. If you've been getting Lupron every 3 months, your period will usually return within 4 to 8 months after your last shot.
What does bicalutamide do for cancer? Bicalutamide is a type of hormone drug called an anti androgen. It stops testosterone from reaching the cancer cells. This can slow the growth of your cancer and may shrink it.
How long can you live with prostate cancer that has spread? Accordingly, people with this stage of prostate cancer are about 29 percent as likely as people without the condition to live for at least 5 years after diagnosis. However, survival rates are only estimates, and everyone is different.
What does locally advanced prostate cancer mean? Locally advanced prostate cancer means the cancer has broken through the capsule (covering) of the prostate gland. It may have spread into the: tissue around the prostate. the tubes that carry semen (seminal vesicles) body organs nearby such as the back passage (rectum) or neck of the bladder.
What percentage of prostate cancer is hereditary? About 5 to 10 percent of all prostate cancers diagnosed are hereditary, meaning that an increased risk for the disease runs in the family.
Can prostate cancer go away by itself? And, with breast cancer, there is indirect evidence that some actually disappear. It is harder to document disappearing prostate cancers ; researchers say they doubt it happens. If their cancer progresses, they can then have their prostates removed.
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