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What kind of steroids are used for back pain? Epidural corticosteroid shots (injections) may give you short-term relief from back pain that runs down your leg.
Should I take prednisone all at once or throughout the day? Unless your doctor or pharmacist gives you different instructions, it's best to take prednisolone as a single dose once a day, straight after breakfast. For example, if your dose is 40mg daily, your doctor may tell you to take 8 tablets (8 x 5mg) all at the same time.
Why should prednisone be taken in the morning? by If you are taking Prednisone just once a day, take it in the morning with breakfast. The morning is best as it mimics the timing of your body's own production of cortisone. Taking your dose of prednisone too late in the evening may cause difficulty sleeping.
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